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In 2020 I lost the love of my life. She was an amazing wife and mother who imbued her love into every item she made. She loved crafting with many different mediums and loved to learn new ones when she had the opportunity. You could tell the care and love she put into each item she made. Her desire was that each recipient would feel how special they were to her when receiving her gifts. Most of her craft gifts had a personalized aspect to them whether it be in their favorite color, an item she knew they’d love or use, relating to their favorite team, with their name and sometimes all of the above.


As a family we had always dreamed of having a crafting business when I retired. She had passed her love of crafts to our daughter and quite a bit of her knowledge as well and I’ve always loved woodworking. We figured it would be a perfect venture.


Since her passing my daughter and I have found it difficult to fully move forward. She was our world. When I retired last year, I found myself lost and reminded of the time I could have been spending with her. So, my daughter and I decided to follow through on our family plan. We would create the business we had always discussed, in her honor.


From the name of our company to the logo to the products we create and sell my wife is still a part of it all. She is with us as we learn new crafts and items to sell and in everything we do. As we learned from the best, the love she gave us is still imbued into each item we create. We are carrying on the dream she inspired in us so long ago. We hope we make her proud!


We hope you enjoy our offerings. We’ll be adding more as we continue to learn and are inspired by our muse.


With peace and love from our family to yours.

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